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Der Begriff Weblog (oder kurz Blog) bezeichnet eine Website, die regelmäßig aktualisiert wird, häufig mit kurzen Beiträgen* und Kommentarmöglichkeiten* für die Leser. Blogs sind chronologisch sortiert. Ein Blog kann ein persönliches Tagebuch sein, eine Linksammlung, es kann News, Bilder oder Kommentare, zum Beispiel zu Ereignissen oder anderen Websites, enthalten.
Freitag, 01. Juni 2012
Money earn easily and fast!!!!

If you certainly liked to earn money, read please this article and obey him please!!! Me he helped and he will also help you! I have found this article on the Internet and I decided to try out sometimes. Some days ago I have the newspapers rummages and bumped, besides, into an article, like these here which said one can earn thousands of euros within a few weeks. The only condition is an investment of 39,30$(30,00 Euro)! I have thought to me which is that any joke article and was as most from myself probably, for the moment doubtfully and thus I read on. Anyway stood there written that one should send 6,55$(5,00 Euro) to each of 6 names and addresses which are given in the article. Then you put to your names to the 6Te place of the list and bottom test the article in at least 2 00 newsgroups. (There are thousands)

elgringo um 15:30:37 | Kategorie: Blogs | Sichtbar: Öffentlich
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